Announcements – March 7, 2021


            Yes, the season is fast approaching. The Garden group had their first meeting and are excited about a successful growing season. This can only happen with your help. Four active gardeners from last year have moved or are unable to participate as fully this year. So here is the plan for this year.

                        –crops: bush green beans, roma tomatoes, beets, carrots, and delicata                                              squash. 

                        –beds need nutrients and more soil

                        –consistent watering, weeding, and harvesting important

                        –recipients of the produce need to be identified.

            YOU CAN HELP by:

                        1. donating $ for soil, fertilizer, nutrients, seed and plant purchases

                        2. donate seedlings: squash, roma tomatoes

                        3. help plant

                        4. help water

                        5. help weed

                        6. help harvest

                        7. RECRUIT PEOPLE TO HELP AND TO EAT!! Remember this is for the community. If you know someone who likes to garden or who wants/needs fresh produce please let us know.

Another very important need is consistent maintenance of the grounds around the church. Ellen Fisher has worked so very hard, mostly alone, and really needs help. We thought it would be good to have monthly work parties to weed and tend to other outside needs. Many hands make light work and by doing this regularly the work is easier. It is easy to keep distance outside too!

            Please contact Mary Ann 570-3113 or if you are interested in any of the above offers.

            Our next meeting will be Sunday, April 11 @ 6pm via zoom. Contact Mary Ann if you would like to attend.

Planning group: Amanda Higgins, Peg Olson, Kate Petrie, Ellen Fisher, Pete Perry,

                               Mary Ann Perry


Donations for Courage Lives Pantry

The outreach committee has been meeting to discuss the next step in our year of gratitude.They are suggesting that we focus on Courage Lives during the months of March and April. Michelle Markie said that the pantry is almost empty in the home that helps women transiting from abuse. She said they were really in  need of non perishable items. These items can be dropped off at church or Pat Blethen’s front porch.

Needed items peanut butter, jelly, tuna fish in a pouch, cereal, pasta, sauce, soups, bagged nuts or dried fruit , energy bars, boxed mac & cheese or anything else that would be easy to store.


Ellen Fisher is  thanking folks in advance for helping out with the bagged lunch for the homeless at Columbia St. Church on March 7th. We are all set! Our next meal will be in May.

Christine Durgin feels blessed that due to our use of technology she is able to participate in St. Patrick’s worship even when she is at home in Augusta.

Scripture for reflection:::

“. . .  my house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples.”

Isaiah 56:7

He was teaching and saying, “Is it not written, ‘My  house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations’? But you have made it a den of robbers.”

Mark 11:17