Cross Words by Fr. Rick Cross


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        S                Epiphany 2021: “Discovering the Light”

First, a note of gratitude for the recent Christmas check from the congregation. And even more appreciation for the prayers, cards and emails of support from many of you during this pesky gastrointestinal bout I am enduring with every medical test known to the medical profession! I am certainly doing my part to beef up the healthcare economy. Hopefully, we will have some answers soon. In the meantime, keep those prayers coming.

Members remain faithful in holding up the emerging Light of Christ in the darkness of National unrest and uncovered racism. We continue to support one another in fervent prayer and local social justice advocacy, and in the tradition of Epiphany, showing the presence of Jesus love beyond any faith community boundaries.

Annual Meeting by Zoom is in a couple of weeks (January 31), followed by the Bishops Visitation on February 7th, and Parochial Report preparation. The Wardens and Vestry are hard at work preparing for these high-volume events.

Major issues are facing us. Can our small congregation afford a part-time priest? And what is the changing role for clergy, given the revolution we are experiencing in the use of technology? Can we afford the buildings and grounds we have inherited from another generation? Is it good stewardship or theological wisdom to ignore the economical possibilities of shared resources with our Methodist, Congregational, and even “other-side-of-the-River” Episcopalians?

God has always had a plan in mind for St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church here in Brewer. We must listen seriously to God’s Spirit speaking to us about a plan for the future. This is the task of discernment during the Mutual Study of Ministry. Small groups are meeting to gain input from as many in the congregation as possible. Please be involved in this vital process. The growing Light of Epiphany is showing the way for the new work the Spirit is leading. “Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine!”

Shalom, Fr. Rick