Vestry Summary – September 2020

This summary is provided to highlight vestry discussions that may be of interest to the
congregation. Complete minutes follow this summary.
➢ There will be an on-line silent auction Nov 12 – 14. Auction items will be collected during the month of October. Watch your email for further details.
➢ COVID-19 precautions and procedures. Larry’s buildings and grounds report is at the end of these minutes. Please take a moment to read this important information.
➢ Pat Blethen and Ellen Fisher have agreed to chair the Outreach Committee.
➢ Committee chairs are reminded to send Christine Talbott their monthly reports to be shared as part of St. Pat’s regular announcements.
➢ Christine Talbott has agreed to chair Seat At The Table when it resumes after Christmas.
➢ St. Pat’s By-Laws and Constitution are being updated to allow for co-wardens and to bring them into alignment with Diocesan norms. The congregation will vote on both at its annual meeting in January.
➢ The Vestry agreed to continue its collaborative services with the First United Methodist Church in Brewer.
➢ Rick and the Wardens are in preliminary communication with the Diocese about a possible visit (in person or virtual TBD) by Bishop Brown on November 8. Details will be shared as they become available.