Announcements – November 1, 2020

1) Please don’t forget to vote on Tuesday if you haven’t already.  Maine is one of a few states which allows for same-day registration, so if you aren’t registered to vote, you can do so at your polling place.  If you have forgotten if you are registered or where your polling place is located, please visit
2) Tuesday evening as soon as the polls close at 8pm, we begin a virtual vigil for the election process. We all have felt the tumultuous pull of the intense election season, and many of us need prayers to calm anxiety, find peace, and spark hope in whatever the outcome may be.  All the time slots are filled and an email with that list and the directory will be coming tomorrow.  There will be an hour long virtual prayer video airing on our Facebook and YouTube, beginning at the top of the hour until 7pm on Wednesday when our vigil ends and our November Taize begins. 
3) TAIZE! Our November Taize will begin at 7pm on Wednesday, November 4. Please join us on our YouTube page for that service:

4) This week on Thursday, November 5 is the vestry discussion meeting via zoom at 6:00 PM. We will be continuing our discussion of racism. Watch for a link in your emails!