Announcements – March 22, 2020

                  LENT AT ST. PAT’S

Join us online for our Sunday service at 10 AM via Face Book or our website The service leaflet will be available through our St. Pat’s google group email.

Letters to St. Patrick’s:  During the five Sundays of Lent, the second lesson will be read as a letter to St. Patrick’s from one of our neighbors and will highlight the various ways that the “least of these” and Christ are crucified in our modern world.  These letters will then be nailed to a piece of wood and hung on the wall as one of the stations of the cross.

Wednesday evening Lenten services have been canceled for the rest of Lent. Please pray for our companion churches during this crisis.

 East Orrington Congregational Church-38 Johnson Mill Rd, Orrington                 

Lighthouse Church of God–696 River Rd. Orrington                

 Orrington United Methodist Church– 14 Center Drive, Orrington



 As with all organizations, Faith Linking in Action has suspended all gatherings and meetings. We are working with Food AND Medicine to see how working with other groups we can be most helpful and effective during this time.

Keep this wonderful interfaith organization in your prayers as we learn to reach our most vulnerable neighbors in new ways.

Thanks and peace to you

,Mary Ann          


Good morning everyone,

I want to thank you all for your willingness to make lasagna for the progressive dinner fundraiser for FLIA.  Because of recommendations by the CDC re: the Corona virus, This event has changed into a stay at home virtual event, so the lasagna is no longer needed.  Please watch for the invitation that will come out soon via Facebook.

Thank you all again.Peace,


A message to St. Patrick’s congregation

Please be mindful about continuing your contributions either by pledge or donation to St. Patrick’s. You can mail a check to the church’s address above.  Co- Warden Larry Puls and Treasurer Penny Baker are exploring other payment options online so more information is to follow.


Prayer list updates:  Larry and Bonnie Puls are the contact people for creating the prayer list.  If you would like to add or delete someone from the prayer list you can add your request in the Common Room or contact the Puls’ at: or 942-1321.